April 2018

AWB President Alice Valdez called the April meeting to order at 12:15 pm.

The meeting was held at Red Snapper Restaurant in Kansas City.

The Lord’s Prayer was recited.

Shirley Brokaw called the roll:
21 members were present, plus, one Junior Member
1 Guest Vicki Roberts

William Hawkins gave the Treasurer's Report:
 Checking Balance $2,172.32 
American Century Investment account $35,117.01

Terrie Arnold had no Fundraising Report.

Ren Roby had no Health Benefit Report.

Merle Long gave upcoming events for AWB members and friends, The World War II Museum, and the third week in June is planning another Gangster Tour, more details will follow.

Lisa Elazar Special Services had no report

Linda Cocovizzo Education and Advocacy reported on the status of R2171 and sb910. Linda encouraged more members to become active in the Legislative days in Jefferson City annually

AWB May 12 2018 will be held at Alphapointe 7501 Prospect from 12:00 noon until 2:00 pm.

Remember dues can be paid at this time only checks, money orders made out to AWB in the amount of $20.

President Alice Valdez adjourned the meeting at 2:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

AWB Recording Secretary,
Shirley Brokaw 2018

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