President Tom Jones convened the meeting at 7:44 PM with a recitation of the Lord’s

TREASURER’S REPORT William explained that AWB (and 3 other MCB affiliates)
were being changed from 501C3 public charities to 501C3 private foundations. A private
foundation, such as the Coffman Foundation, is self-funded. According to the IRS, AWB
had spent 94% of its funds for its own members. In the last 6 years, we had given away
only $3,500.00. In that time, we spent $70,400.00 on conventions and $4,787.00 on other
programs which benefited the AWB membership. Funds AWB had raised from outside
the organization amounted to $2,382.00. Our investments had earned over $38,000.00.
With AWB being a private foundation, anyone donating to us will now only receive a
30% write-off.

The IRS told William how we could change back to a public charity over the next 2
years, which would allow us to apply for dollars we weren’t getting before. William said
we got the J. C. Penny’s grant in the fiscal year 2009-2010 because we were a public
charity. He felt we should receive money for national convention in 2011 but that we
should all think about how to give some of our funds away. AWB would need to give
away over 33% of funds to become a public charity. AWB would need to donate more to
charities, do community work, start selling items within the group to raise money, and be
less reliant on our investments.

William explained that what is hoped for is that a public charity will help someone
whom, in return, will help someone else. If Walmart spends $100,000.00 on computers
for blind people, Walmart gets a $100,000.00 tax exemption as an incentive to keep
helping others. William said that, although many of AWB’s members being blind carries
some weight with the IRS, MCB and AWB differ from most 501C3 (not-for-profit)
organizations in that the latter’s boards of directors come from the public sector. AWB’s
and MCB’s boards consist of members which profit from all the services offered, such
as convention reimbursements and health benefits. The board of CCVI, a public charity,
comes from the business community—individuals who are not members of CCVI and
aren’t eligible for special services. These people are asked to serve on CCVI’s board
for 3-year terms and are not paid for this service. CCVI partners with other public
charities. Although some of the money it raises goes to salaries for its employees, CCVI
provides free services for all the children it helps. Anyone who helps CCVI gets 100%
of the money spent written off his/her taxes because he/she was helping indigent (needy)

Reimbursement $100.00
Money Transfer

membership dues from Hazeleen Clay
Youth Services (youth conference last year)
Frederick Douglas Transport Service
Special Services
from an AWB investment to checking
(to prepare for winter expenditures)
Balance in Checking
Value of CD at First Federal $13,892.42
William would give us the value of the CD at American Century at the December
business meeting.

PUBLIC RELATIONS Tracey thanked her committee members Heather and James for
their work. Ricky and Joy, who was out of town during the November meeting, would
also be on her committee. Tracey said that the fire safety program would be held on
Monday, November 8, from 5:00-6:00 at AlphaPointe. A fire educator from the Kansas
City Fire Department would speak to AWB about fire prevention, developing an escape
plan, and surviving a fire safely. At the program, AWB’s PR would give away 30 talking
carbon monoxide/smoke detectors, donated by First Alert. At the business meeting, PR
gave away 3 detectors as door prizes. They were won by Brandy, Albert and Jerry.

Hoping for more attendance at the program, Tracey had sent the media a press release.
She informed the Whole Person, the VA Medical Center, the Missouri Department
of Rehab, and Envision (a workshop in Kansas that works with blind people) about
the program. AlphaPointe would tell its members. James had told Tracey of another
networking group to which she sent information about the program for distribution to
its membership. The City of Kansas City’s Neighborhood Division had gotten hold
of her press release and sent it to 500 people. As a result, Tracey received various
commendations for PR’s work. She said PR was accomplishing its purpose of getting
AWB known to the public.

Tracey’s press release included information about the following. PR had asked the
Veterans’ Administration for the names of 2 families which AWB could adopt. PR
would get to meet them after the families signed release forms with the Veterans’
Administration. Tracey said she put the items needed by the indigent families on the
AWB website. She encouraged AWB members to bring items to the next meeting or to

Secretary’s Note. So as not to compromise the families’ privacy, I will not transcribe
their names in the minutes.

The grandfather of Family 1 started losing his sight 20 years ago secondary to diabetic
retinopathy. The court awarded him and his wife their grandkids after a bad situation.
Recently, they had their electricity turned off for 3 weeks because the grandfather was

unable to pay the bill. His sizes: underwear—36, pants—waist 42 inseam 33, shirt—neck
18, arm length 25. His wife asked for an extra-large winter nightgown. Their
14-year-old grandson: underwear—36, shirts—extra-large, any type that will keep him
warm, jeans—waist 38, inseam 32. Their 3-year-old granddaughter needs clothes badly;
anything is appreciated. Winter coat—Size 5, pants, shirt, pajamas, mittens, hat; toys—
anything from Nora the Explorer. Tracey said that the family was very appreciative of
the thought and says thank you.

The father of Family 2 started to lose his sight in 2009 secondary to macular edema. He
lives with his wife and son, who will turn 9 on 11/6/2010. Recently, they had their gas
turned off because they could not afford it. They’re trying to scrape money together to
turn it back on for the winter. The wife was very happy when she was told about AWB’s
assistance. The veteran wears tennis shoe—Size 11, jeans—waist 48, inseam 32, winter
coat—Size 2X or 3X. His wife: jeans or slacks—Size 4, shirt—Size 4, winter coat—
5X to fit over layers of clothing. The son asks for PlayStation 3 games (army or “Star
Wars”), jeans—16 Husky, tennis shoes—boys’ Size 6.

James suggested that AWB provide Christmas dinner for the families and would donate
the first turkey. Another turkey would be needed, and nonperishable food items would be
appreciated. Tracey said Debbie Plumlee had knitted a hat which she sent to the business
meeting. PR would donate the hat, and other items Debbie would make, to the veterans’
families. PR thanked Debbie.

Tracey reported that she’d given a speech to a PTO group. Afterward, they wanted to
donate to a charity of Tracey’s choice. On the day of the November business meeting,
Tracey received in the mail the $25.00 check for Allied Workers for the Blind.

Tracey asked that people examine the October minutes, which she’d put on the AWB
website, to make sure they were legible. If so, she would put the rest of the minutes on
the website. She asked people planning to donate to the needy families to let her know
what they were donating.

ROLL 24 members were present.

TRANSPORTATION 9 people came, or were coming, to the meeting. Ricky gave his
report at 8:15 PM. Terry said she wasn’t picked up until after 7:50. Norm had read Terry
the pertinent September business meeting minutes before Ricky gave his report. William
had agreed that they were correct. After Ricky gave his Transportation report, Terry
reported her late pickup. Norm asked if he should read from the September minutes
concerning what the contract between AWB and Frederick Douglas said about lateness.
Tom said no. Norm paraphrased from his minutes, saying that if Frederick Douglas
didn’t have people to the meetings by 7:30, a $15.00 fee would be deducted from the
invoice. William would take care of it.

Secretary’s Note. The October minutes show that I asked that anyone wishing to
discuss details of the contract use the actual contract to avoid possible discrepancies.

The Treasurer had asked me to include this in business meeting minutes after I read the
September meeting minutes at the October meeting.

Jerry reported that Frederick Douglas would not transport Edna and himself without
charging them each $70.00 or $75.00 because they lived north of the river. Jerry said
there was a solution that wouldn’t cost the Annunzios or AWB money. Ricky didn’t
want to hear it without first discussing the problem with his committee.


MEMBERSHIP 2 guests were present, Jackie Jordon and Melvin Avants.

EDUCATION AND WELFARE Jerry said that he’d been elected Chair of the MCB
Education and Welfare Committee. MCB Legislative Day would be March 7-8, 2011.
ACB Legislative Day would be in February. Jerry’s MCB committee decided not to have
the MCB Legislative Day breakfast for the senators and representatives because such
breakfasts have had little benefit in the past. Unlike in previous years, participants would
try to give gifts to legislators and their assistants that would be blind-made products.
Items would be acquired from AlphaPointe and the Saint Louis Lighthouse for the Blind.
Much of the Legislative Day process would be as always—orientation and training
on March 7 at 1:00, distribution of materials. Jerry’s committee had voted to give a
breakfast on March 8 for the MCB members going to meet the legislators. There, the
EW Committee would give final instructions, insisting on 2 points. 1. Participants must
be appropriately dressed. The Committee’s Consultant Brandy Jones would see to it. 2.
Participants must, where possible, schedule appointments ahead of time.

Jerry said that the Twenty-First Century Communications and Video Accessibility
Act—having been passed by democrats and republicans in both houses and signed by
the President on October 8, 2010—would accomplish 5 things: 1. It mandates public
telephone companies to make web brousers, text messages, and emails on smart phones
fully accessible. 2. It restores and extends the requirements of the video description
television programs in addition to requiring cable companies to make their program
guides and selection menus accessible to people with vision loss. 3. It ensures people
with vision loss have access to emergency broadcast information. 4. It provides
$10,000,000.00 in funding each year for accessible assistive technology for deaf-
blind individuals. 5. It ensures that Internet-enabled mobile phones are hearing aid


FUND-RAISING Brandy had written a check for $25.00, earned from sales at the MCB
Convention, but hadn’t yet given it to William. Brandy would make changes to the
procedures by which items would be sold at the 2011 Convention. She had 2 cookie jars
to raffle off at future business meetings. She would look at AWB’s obtaining the J. C.
Penny’s grant. She said we could look into doing a raffle at the 2011 MCB Convention.
She asked if we were interested in doing a similar project or selling candy to raise

money for AWB. We agreed to look into selling to the public, which would bring us
more income and help us become a 501C3 public charity. Bill Reynolds said we could
purchase supplies more cheaply from Sam’s Club or Cosco. Sheryl Frank noted that the
fund-raising companies would put our name on the supplies we purchased from them.
Brandy would gather information for the December business meeting.


ACTIVITIES Bill Reynolds had scheduled bell-ringing on Saturday, December 4 from
10:00-8:00 at the 39th Street entrance of the Independence Center. Bill hoped to organize
bell-ringers into 2-hour shifts. AWB expressed interest in attending a Mavericks hockey
game and/or a Missouri Comets soccer game at the Independence Event Center. Holding
a Christmas dinner or luncheon for AWB was discussed, probably on a different day
from the December meeting.

NEW BUSINESS Terry talked about the exhibition of ScriptTalk at the MCB
Convention. Costing $325.00, this saucer-sized device reads and speaks everything
written on a medicine bottle with 100% accuracy. It has a circle of raised dots in its
center. One places the bottle inside the circle and the machine speaks. It has only 3
buttons. At the time of our business meeting the VA had used it for blinded veterans
for 5 years. Terry said certain Hi V stores had begun to use ScriptTalk labeling in their
pharmacies. AlphaPoint was interested in this project. Terry encouraged individuals to
call local Hi V’s to see if individual pharmacies were using the ScriptTalk technology.
Hi V had agreed to bring AlphaPointe employees their prescriptions for free. Terry was
trying to get the Lions Club to help buy ScriptTalks for individuals. AlphaPointe might
help and Terry hoped AWB would as well. She stressed that ScriptTalk would not only
help blind but dyslexic and elderly people. Interested persons were to call her at
363-6658. After the meeting, Terry demonstrated a ScriptTalk to interested individuals.

Jerry distributed braille calendars. Brandy won $7.50 at 50-50, $7.50 went to AWB. The
meeting adjourned at 8:48 PM.

Norm Burke-Yale
Recording Secretary