October 2011
Allied Workers for the Blind October 7, 2011

In the absence of President Tom Jones, the meeting was called to order by Vice President Melvin Smith at 7:38 pm.

Twenty-four members were present.

Bill Reynolds moved to accept the minutes that are on the web site. The motion was adopted.

Cheryl Frank moved that Tom get credit for the meeting since the van did not pick him up. The motion was adopted.

Treasurer William Hawkins gave the Treasurer's report. It will be filed for audit.

Public Relations Chairperson Tracy Hawkins, and committee member Jackie Lars, gave the Public Relations Committee report. At the MCB convention, AWB will have the opportunity to read safety tips for White Cane Safety Day. The safety event will occur on October 29, from 12:00 to 2:00, in the Alphapointe cafeteria.

Fundraising Committee Chairperson Linda Coccovizzo reported on two upcoming raffles. The raffle for a smoke detector will take place at the safety event. Tickets cost $1 a piece or six for five dollars. The raffle for the Brailler and Book Port will occur in January with those tickets costing $5 a piece. AWB members are asked to try to sell raffle tickets at the MCB convention if they attend.

Transportation and Communications Committee Chairperson Norm Burke-Yale reported that there were 14 riders scheduled but Tom and Molly are not here yet. He does not know at this time how many vehicles were used. The cost for transportation is $6 if someone utilizes the service one way or round trip.  

Health Benefits Chairperson, James White, has received a request. Terrie Arnold and Cheryl Frank will join his committee.

The other members of Linda Coccovizzo's Fundraising Committee are Tracy Hawkins, Brandi Jones, and Odell Hollins.

Special Services Chairperson Cheryl Anthony reported that Shirley Brokaw and Edward Wells had asked to be on her committee.

Corresponding Secretary Shirley Brokaw invited attendees to announce birthdays occurring in July, August, and September.

MCB will send the AWB member list to the Corresponding Secretary and the Transportation Committee Chair.

Cheryl Frank nominated Shirley Brokaw to represent AWB on the MCB bylaws committee as the Allied Workers delegate. She was elected by acclamation.

Affiliate Representative Gregg Hollins reported on issues on the MCB board agenda for the upcoming meeting.

William Hawkins reported on the status of the MCB thrift stores as he chairs that MCB committee.

Regarding proposal 1 for change to the MCB bylaws: Shirley Brokaw moved that we support this amendment. The motion was adopted.

Regarding proposal 2 for change to the MCB bylaws: Shirley Brokaw moved that we adopt the amendment. The motion was adopted.

Regarding proposal 3A for change to the MCB bylaws: Cheryl Frank moved to instruct Shirley to accept this. The motion was adopted.

Regarding proposal 3B for change to the MCB bylaws: Cheryl Frank moved that we accept this change and request to strike out "minutes" and insert "board report" in the wording. The motion was adopted as amended.

Regarding proposal 4 for change to the MCB bylaws: Kathey Wheeler moved to vote for adoption. The motion was adopted.

The proposals are attached.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:01 pm.

Janelle Edwards
AWB Recording Secretary


Proposal 1:

Section 5.

This proposed amendment allows an amendment or resolution to be sent to the chairman in various formats and eliminates the requirement that it be signed. For consistency, the term "Chairman" is always used.

No. A
In the first sentence strike out the word "Chair" and insert the word "Chairman."

No. B
In the second sentence strike out the words "in Braille and print and signed by two members" and insert the words "with the names of two members supporting them." 

Current wording:
There shall be a Bylaws/Resolutions Committee composed of a Chair who shall be appointed by the President, and shall be legally blind, and a member from each Regular Affiliate who may be either sighted or blind. Amendments to the Bylaws and Resolutions to be presented to the convention shall be sent to the Chairman in Braille and print and signed by two members no later than July fifteenth. The Chairman shall send properly prepared amendments and resolutions to the office by August first to be sent to each affiliate, member at large, and any others upon request, in the format of his or her choice by August twentieth. The committee shall hold an open meeting during the convention for the discussion of amendments and resolutions. Amendments and resolutions shall be presented to the convention for discussion and voting.

Proposed wording:
There shall be a Bylaws/Resolutions Committee composed of a Chairman who shall be appointed by the President, and shall be legally blind, and a member from each Regular Affiliate who may be either sighted or blind. Amendments to the Bylaws and Resolutions to be presented to the convention shall be sent to the Chairman with the names of two members supporting them no later than July fifteenth. The Chairman shall send properly prepared amendments and resolutions to the office by August first to be sent to each affiliate, member at large, and any others upon request, in the format of his or her choice by August twentieth. The committee shall hold an open meeting during the convention for the discussion of amendments and resolutions. Amendments and resolutions shall be presented to the convention for discussion and voting.

Submitted by:
Sheri Keller
Steve Schnelle

Proposal 2:

Section 1.

This amendment clarifies that the Executive Committee shall consist of the officers.

Add the following sentence to the end of the section "The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers."

Current wording:
The officers of MCB shall be a President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Recording Secretary and Treasurer. All officers shall be legally blind except the Treasurer who may be sighted.

Proposed wording:
The officers of MCB shall be a President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Recording Secretary and Treasurer. All officers shall be legally blind except the Treasurer who may be sighted. The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers.

Submitted by:
Beverly Kaskadden
Michael Keller

Proposal 3:

No. A

Section 4.

The first of two proposed related amendments deletes wording allowing a substitute to be appointed if an affiliate representative cannot attend a Board of Directors meeting.

Strike out Article X Section 4 B and C.

B. When an elected officer or director who represents an affiliate cannot attend a Board of Directors meeting, the MCB president shall be notified and shall appoint a temporary substitute upon the recommendation of the affiliate's president. This substitute, who shall be legally blind, is entitled to all rights and privileges of a board member for that meeting.

C. In the event that the representative elected by an affiliate cannot attend a Board of Directors meeting, the affiliate president shall appoint a legally blind member of the affiliate as an alternate for that meeting. The MCB president and the MCB office shall be notified of the temporary replacement.

Submitted by:
Shirley Brokaw
Michael Keller

No. B

Section 5.

The second related proposed amendment would Add a sentence to clarify that if an affiliate is not represented at a board meeting the MCB office will send the minutes to the affiliate president.

Add the following sentence to the end of the subsection: "If there is no affiliate representative in attendance at a Board meeting, the MCB office shall send the minutes to that affiliate's President."

Current wording:
The Board of Directors shall have the power to transact all of the business of the organization between conventions. In order to promote harmony, inasmuch as possible, the Board shall attempt to seek out and consider the wishes of the membership before reaching decisions. The Board of Directors shall also be fiscally responsible for all expenditures of funds. Affiliate representatives shall be expected to make reports of Board of Directors meetings to their affiliates so that members will be kept informed of actions taken by the Board of Directors.

Proposed wording:
The Board of Directors shall have the power to transact all of the business of the organization between conventions. In order to promote harmony, inasmuch as possible, the Board shall attempt to seek out and consider the wishes of the membership before reaching decisions. The Board of Directors shall also be fiscally responsible for all expenditures of funds. Affiliate representatives shall be expected to make reports of Board of Directors meetings to their affiliates so that members will be kept informed of actions taken by the Board of Directors. If there is no affiliate representative in attendance at a Board meeting, the MCB office shall send the minutes to that affiliate's President.

Submitted by:
Shirley Brokaw
Michael Keller

Proposal 4:
Section 4.

Strike out the section that denies MCB membership to NFB members.

Strike out the entire section "MCB prohibits its members from belonging to the National Federation of the Blind."

Submitted by:
DeAnna Noriega
Jerry Annunzio