September 2017 Minutes and MCB August Board Meeting Minutes 
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The AWB September 9, 2017 meeting was called to order at 12:30 pm, by President Alice Valdez.
Ed called the roll, 16 members were present. There were no guests.
Present Valdez led us in the Lord’s Prayer.

President Valdez ask someone to make a motion to suspend all committee reports, so we could vote on the proposed amendments to be presented at the MCB State Convention held in Kansas City in October.
William made the motion, there was a second, the motion passed.

The representative to the Education and Advocacy Meeting at the MCB Conventions Linda Cocovizzo, and Shirley Brokaw will serve as AWB representative at the Bylaws meeting.

William made a motion there was a second to grant $100 from the Health Benefits Fund due to the recent loss of Lisa's father.

Bill Reynolds made a motion and the motion was seconded to give $100 for door prizes at the upcoming MCB State Convention, 
Brandi, made a motion, it was seconded to give $100 to purchase items for the auction at the MCB Convention in October, and Tracey will take care of this project.

There was a 50/50 drawing Ed Valdez was the winner, the amount was $30, and Ed donated his share back to AWB. Thank you ED.

The meeting was held at Neighborhood Café, thanks Merle, the next meeting will be held at Alphapointe 7501 Prospect on October 14
From noon until 2:00 pm.

President Valdez ask for a motion to adjourn, the meeting adjourned at 2:30 pm.
The MCB Minutes will be below my signature.

Respectfully submitted

Shirley Brokaw
AWB Recording Secretary 2017-2018

The MCB Board meeting minutes have not been approved.

August 8 2017

President Denny Huff called the meeting to order at 7:05 P.M.
Chip Hailey led the group in prayer.
Secretary Noriega called the roll.
All officers, directors, Affiliate Representatives and the executive director were in attendance with the 
Exception of the representatives for Pony Express
Association of the Blind and the Queen City Council of the Blind. 
Linda Gerken served as representative for The Blind of Central Missouri in the absence of their regular 
Representative, Joe Morgan.

Tyler Kavanaugh moved approval of the agenda as distributed and the motion carried.
Brian Hallows moved acceptance of the May 9th minutes as distributed and the motion passed.

President Huff presented the concept of a membership information line. He explained that the line 
Would have 9 lines at a cost of $29.95, and an additional
$5 for a toll free line for the use of those who lack unlimited long distance. He explained that line 1 
Would contain the latest MCB podcast. Line 2 would
Provide an audio version of the Chronicle. Line 3 would provide advocacy and legislative information. 
Line 4 would provide updates from the thrift store.
Line 5 would give a list of affiliate information such as the time and date of meetings and a contact 
Number. This would leave 4 additional lines to be
Used for other uses. The main number is 773-572-6387. Since it is difficult to know how many would use 
The toll free line, President Huff suggested adding
$500 as a line item to the budget. Mr. Kavanaugh moved to setup such a line and to add the $500 to the 
Budget and the motion carried.

President Huff presented the difficulty and the resultant indebtedness we incurred when the visually 
Impaired youth Conference was canceled, due to a lack
Of interest. He proposed that rather than losing any benefit from the cancelation, the money owed to 
The hotel be utilized to host a leadership conference.
Each affiliate would be eligible to send a person to attend for two nights along with presenters. MS 
Morris made the motion to proceed with hosting a leadership
Conference in November with $20,000 being allocated to cover the expense. Mr. Vickers offered an 
Amendment to the motion requesting that a final vote be
Postponed until the Convention pre-board meeting to give time to develop an agenda for the event. His 
Amendment didn’t receive a second and died. MS Morris’s
Motion passed.

Mr. Kavanaugh moved that MCB add $2,000 to support The Children’s Vision Summit to be held in 
Jefferson City in late October. The motion passed.

Treasurer Vaughn gave a treasurer’s report. He also summarized the status of the MCB investment 
Funds ten years, five years and a year ago showing a steady
Diminishment of our capital.

Beverly Kaskadden moved that we hold the cost to members of attending summer camp at current 
Levels. She felt that we might not be able to meet the level
Of participation if the fees were to increase. A voice vote was deemed inconclusive by some in 
Attendance and a roll call vote was called. There were 13
No votes, 10 yes and 1 abstention. The motion failed.

Treasurer Vaughn presented the budget for 2017/2018 line by line. There was one adjustment to add in 
The $2,000 for the Children’s Vision Summit and this
Was offset by a $2,000 reduction in another line item. Mr. Vickers moved acceptance of the budget as 
Adjusted and the motion passed.
Several people mentioned upcoming events for their affiliates. 
The meeting adjourned at 9:55 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
By secretary, Deanna Noriega

On Wednesday, August 23 the MCB board met and the following business was conducted.

The board voted to retain the services of attorney Greg Zitko to represent us in litigation for the Ballman trust against US Bank. Mr. Zitko is an expert in trusts and we are joining with other beneficiaries of the Ballman trust to retain his services and to try and prevent US Bank from charging enormous service fees and to discover why our dividends have not increased since the trust was established in 1993.
Since this is a legal issue I am not able to comment on it further.

Changes to the scholarship guidelines and application was presented to the board but it was voted to postpone a decision until October.

The board also voted to contract with Catch Phrase to host and maintain our web site and email services.

In closed session the board voted to give our part time clerk, Eleanor Coyle a 4% raise.